63 Articles by Richard Dawkins and 6 Extra Files

63 Articles by Richard Dawkins and 6 Extra Files

    List of the articles:

    A scientist's view
    All Our Yesterdays
    An early flowering of genetics
    An eclipse, It's my kind of magic
    Article in The Daily Telegraph March 18, 2002
    Article in The Guardian December 27, 2001
    Burying the Vehicle
    Children must choose their own beliefs
    Close Encounters with the Truth
    Darwin and Darwinism
    Dolly and the cloth-heads
    Don't turn your back on science - An open letter from biologist Richard Dawkins to Prince Charles
    Gaps in the Mind
    Greenpeace's action was vandalism and inhibited the need for scientific research
    Hall of Mirrors
    How do you wear your genes
    How we got a head start on our animal natures
    Human Chauvinism
    Human gullibility beyond belief
    Is Science a Religion
    Lament for Douglas
    Mike Godwin and Jaron Lanier debate a talk by Richard Dawkins
    No faith in the absurd
    No mercy on the violent river of life - An exchange between Michael Poole (Christian Students in Science) and Richard Dawkins
    Not in Our Genes, Biology, Ideology and Human Nature - Reviewed by Richard Dawkins
    Obituary for Michael Cullen, ethologist
    Postmodernism Disrobed
    Religion's Misguided Missiles
    Review by Richard Dawkins of Narrow Roads of Gene Land by W.D.Hamilton
    Review of Blueprints, Solving the Mystery of Evolution
    Review of Richard Milton - The Facts of Life, Shattering the myth of Darwinism
    Richard Dawkins - 2004 - reply - extended phenotype
    Science, Delusion and the Appetite for Wonder
    Snake Oil and Holy Water
    Stop respecting religion
    The Alabama Insert - A Study in Ignorance and Dishonesty
    The Alternative Science Pages of Richard Milton reviewed by Robert Todd Carroll
    The evolutionary future of man - A biological view of progress
    The Improbability of God
    The Information Challenge
    The Joy of Living Dangerously
    The know-nothings, the know-alls, and the no-contests
    The noted Oxford scientist takes issue with the Chancellor on his view of Oxford 'elitism'
    The Real Romance in the Stars
    The Third Culture
    Thoughts on Cloning Humans
    Trial by Jury
    Viruses of the Mind
    We asked 10 leading figures for their thoughts on the events of September 11
    What your genes reveal about you
    What’s Wrong with the Paranormal
    When Religion Steps on Science's Turf & The Emptiness of Theology
    Where do the real dangers of genetic engineering lie
    Where d'you get those peepers
    Whole Earth Review, Spring 1989 n62 p90
    Why don’t animals have wheels
    Why I am a secular humanist
    Wonderful Life by Stephen J. Gould. Reviewed by Richard Dawkins

    Darwinism defined the difference between fact and theory essay Stephen Jay Gould
    The claim that creationism is a science rests above all on the plausibility of the biblical flood
    The Wars Over Evolution - New York Review of Books - By Richard C. Lewontin
    To See or Not to See Evolution of Eye Degeneration in Mexican Blind Cavefish1
    Views That Facts Can't Shake
    What Does It Mean To Be A Radical, Stephen Jay Gould, By Richard C Lewontin And Richard Levins

    All in a zip file

    File Size: 978 KB


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