Selected Letters of Charles Darwin, 1825-1859 - Frederick Burkhardt

Selected Letters of Charles Darwin, 1825-1859 - Frederick Burkhardt

    "This book should be viewed as an intense drama of a particular kind, and in an honored genre." Stephen J. Gould

    Charles Darwin changed the direction of modern thought by establishing the basis of evolutionary biology. This fascinating selection of letters, offers a glimpse of his daily experiences, scientific observations, personal concerns and friendships. Beginning with a charming set of letters at the age of twelve, through his university years in Edinburgh and Cambridge up to the publication of his most famous work, On the Origin of Species in 1859, these letters chart one of the most exciting periods of Darwin's life, including the voyage of the Beagle and subsequent studies which led him to develop his theory of natural selection. Darwin's vivid writing style enables the reader to see the world through his own eyes, as he matures from grubby schoolboy in Shropshire to one of the most controversial thinkers of modern times. Amazon

    Related to: Selected Letters of Charles Darwin, 1860-1870

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