Our Inner Ape - Frans de Waal (Audiobook)

Our Inner Ape - Frans de Waal (Audiobook)
    Power, sex, violence and kindness: these four broad-spectrum categories encompass much of human behavior, so it's only fitting that they're also the primary subject material for Frans de Waal's (The Ape and The Sushi Master) book Our Inner Ape. The few (but deeply detailed) chapters are a mesmerizing read that spans biology, child psychology, postmodern theorists and fundamental morality, using tales of stern chimps, and sexy bonobos to examine humans' place between them. In the process, he examines why we need to know our place in the world, how our body language communicates feelings, and where the roots of empathy lie in mammalian life. Amazon

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    File size: 141 MB
    Format: MP3, 32 kbps/Unabridged


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