The Skeptic's Collection

The Skeptic's Collection

    A powerful package for the ones who want to train themselves or boost their knowledge against pseudoscience and supernatural.

    The Simpsons - Lisa the Skeptic [VIDEO]

    Critical Thinking [VIDEO]

    Michael Shermer: The pattern behind self-deception [VIDEO]

    Derren Brown's Science of Scams Video Pack

    Here Be Dragons: An Introduction to Critical Thinking [DOC]

    Derren Brown Investigates: The Man Who Contacts The Dead, The Man with X-Ray Eyes, The Ghosthunter [DOC]

    Richard Dawkins' The Enemies of Reason [DOC]

    Penn & Teller: Bullshit! Series [DOC]

    The Skeptic Encyclopedia of Pseudoscience - Michael Shermer [EBOOK]

    The Skeptic's Dictionary [EBOOK]

    Why People Believe Weird Things - Michael Shermer [AUDIO+EBOOK]

    The Born Again Skeptic's Guide To The Bible - Ruth Hurmence Green [EBOOK]

    The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark - Carl Sagan [EBOOK]

    Fads and Fallacies in the Name of Science - Martin Gardner [EBOOK]

    The Full Facts Book of Cold Reading - Ian Rowland [EBOOK]

    Superstition: Belief in the Age of Science - Robert L. Park [EBOOK]

    Quantum Leaps in the Wrong Direction: Where Real Science Ends...and Pseudoscience Begins - C. M. Wynn & A. W. Wiggins [EBOOK]

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