Adam Sandler to star in "Candy Land: The Movie." Yes, this is something that's happening.

Adam Sandler to star in "Candy Land: The Movie." Yes, this is something that's happening.
    At this point, it's not even possible to come up with "joke" versions of these things - it's like there's no light left between "actual movie pitch" and "Robot Chicken sketch pitch" anymore. But yeah, Adam Sandler will star in a feature film version of the "Candy Land" board game.

    The "interesting" thing, relatively speaking, is that Sandler pal Robert Smigel - late of Triumph the Insult Comic Dog and "TV Funhouse - is coming along to do the script. He's a real talent... but I can't really see his general sense of humor (or Sandler's, for that matter) matching well with what Hasbro clearly will want to be a kid-friendly franchise-starter.

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