Fan(Girl) Service

Fan(Girl) Service
    I've spoken before of my admiration for the folks at "That Guy With The Glasses;" who I think are putting out not only some of the best stuff in the "pop-culture critique video" genre but are also bringing a much needed injection of diversity (intellectual and otherwise) the medium.

    Among the best examples of said strength-in-diversity is critic/filmmaker Lindsay Ellis, aka "The Nostalgia Chick;" whose taken what could easily have been a token gig ("the girl version" of the site's nominal leader) and turned it into vital part of the geek-culture conversation - often working in concert with a cadre of fellow TGWTG-affiliated female reviewers to not only review "nostalgiac girl stuff" but also to provide the often-overlooked female perspective on the general Nerd Ephemera. Her latest offering, viewable HERE, (and embedded after the jump,) in which she provides a non-sarcastically gender-flipped answer to the "hottest animated chicks" meme, is as good an example as any of why that's so welcome and necessary...

    Gotta admit, I'm as thrown by #10 as she is; but that's why I like having this perspective presented in the first place. Sooooo much of the discussion of "Women in Geek Culture" is dominated by men talking about 'the female psyche' like this elusive, seldom-observed mythical creature (how many PAGES have been written by men half-jokingly trying to "figure out" the Team Edward/Jacob thing?); it's refreshing as hell to see actual women speak for themselves about it.

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