Half of "Crank" to Write/Direct All of "Twisted Metal"

Half of "Crank" to Write/Direct All of "Twisted Metal"
    Brian Taylor, the "Taylor" half of the Neveldine/Taylor team that did the two "Crank" movies, is getting 7 figures from Sony to write and direct a "Twisted Metal" movie; presumably spurred by the impending (hopeful) success of the newest game.

    I guess the question now is which of the many, many characters who could be played by Jason Statham (including some of the women) will actually end up being played by Jason Statham... or which "big guy" actor will be the fancasting favorite for Sweet Tooth - Tyler Mane? Derek Mears? Kane Hodder?

    Neveldine/Taylor have "Ghost Rider 2" in theaters this weekend. It's not screening for critics, but the word from those who have seen it (it played Butt-Numb-A-Thon and a few other places, apparently) is beyond bad. N/T have a good industry reputation and are well-regarded, but to be frank basically nothing they've done besides "Crank" has been close to successful, so... I guess Sony knows something I don't.

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