Time To Start Paying Attention To "Wrath of The Titans"

Time To Start Paying Attention To "Wrath of The Titans"
    Bad 80s-nerdstalgia news from yesterday: Michael Bay will continue fucking up "Transformers" at least one more time. Good 80s-nerdstalgia news from today: Michael Bay will NOT be fucking up "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" as it looked like he might be for awhile there. Instead, directing duties will fall to Johnathan Liebesman; currently of "Wrath of The Titans." The same basic production/studio setup that shepherded that CGI-animated psuedo-sequel to the original trilogy a few years back are handling this one, but it's set to be the beginning of a new series as opposed to a further continuation.

    Liebesman has demonstrated mostly-solid action chops in the past, but overall his filmography is pretty bleak: nobody remembers or much cared about "Darkness Falls" or "The Killing Room," and while he made bank with "Battle: Los Angeles" the movie was pretty damn terrible. On the other hand... he's NOT Michael Bay.

    So, right now this is good news as far as I'm concerned, and will remain so until the words "dark and gritty reimagining" escape the lips of someone on the production (innevitably "fanboy-proofed" by references to "the spirit of the original Mirage comics, naturally.)

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