Did a Republican Candidate Just Almost Call The President a "N***er?" (NSFW)

Did a Republican Candidate Just Almost Call The President a "N***er?" (NSFW)
    The below-embedded video is all-but-washed-up Republican Presidential candidate Rick Santorum speaking in Janesville, Wisconsin this past Tuesday. It's a long video, but the important part comes right around 34:25 - when Santorum rattles off a series of descriptives of Barack Obama, but stumbles a bit over one part: "...the anti-war, government nig... uhhh..."

    You can go directly to that part by clicking HERE. Refresh it a few times. Listen carefully. He obviously almost said something, and then stopped himself. Negotiator? Negativist? How many words could it concievably have been?

    "Nig... uhh..." "Nig... uhh..." "Nig... uhh..." "Nig... uhh..."

    Nig WHAT, Rick? Nig. What.

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