The Atheist's Guide to Christmas - Robin Harvie, Stephanie Meyers

The Atheist's Guide to Christmas - Robin Harvie, Stephanie Meyers

    The Atheist's Guide to Christmas is a funny, thoughtful handbook all about enjoying Christmas, from 42 of the world's most entertaining atheists. It features everything from an atheist Christmas miracle to a guide to the best Christmas pop hits, and contributors include Richard Dawkins, Charlie Brooker, Derren Brown, Ben Goldacre, Jenny Colgan, David Baddiel, Simon Singh, AC Grayling, Brian Cox and Richard Herring.

    - Richard Dawkins tells an original Christmas story.
    - Phil Plait fact-checks the Star of Bethlehem.
    - Neal Pollack teaches his family a lesson on holiday spirit.
    - Simon Singh offers a very special scientific experiment.
    - Simon le Bon loses his faith (but keeps church music).
    - AC Grayling explains how to have a truly happy Christmas.

    Plus thirty-six other brilliant, funny, free-thinking pieces perfect for anyone who doesn't think of holidays as holy days.

    [Audiobook version]

    File size: 1.63 MB
    Format: epub/mobi

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