National Geographic

National Geographic - I Escaped A Cult (2012)
National Geographic - Human Ape (A.K.A. Smarter Than an Ape)
Earth: Making of a Planet (2011)
Animal Autopsy - Inside Nature's Giants: Giraffe
Journey to the Edge of the Universe (2008)
Darwin's Lost Voyage
NOVA - Darwin's Darkest Hour
Darwin's Secret Notebooks
National Geographic: Guns, Germs, and Steel - Part 3: Into the Tropics
National Geographic: Guns, Germs, and Steel - Part 2: Conquest
National Geographic: Guns, Germs, and Steel - Part 1: Out Of Eden
National Geographic - Diagnosing Darwin
National Geographic - Naked Science: Telepathy
National Geographic - Naked Science: Who Built Stonehenge?
National Geographic - Naked Science: Alien Contact
National Geographic - Naked Science: Bermuda Triangle
National Geographic - Naked Science: Atlantis
National Geographic: Was Darwin Wrong? (2006)