book reviews

Ben Watson — Derek Bailey and the Story of Free Improvisation
Alain Badiou — In Praise of Love
Book Review: A Crack-Up at the Race Riots, by Harmony Korine
50 Book Pledge #16: Laurent Binet—HHhH: A Novel
50 Book Pledge #15: James Joyce—Finnegans Wake
50 Book Pledge #14: Simon Reynolds — Rip It Up and Start Again: Postpunk 1978-1984
50 Book Pledge #13: Alan Greenberg—Every Night the Trees Disappear
50 Book Pledge #5: Albert Camus — The Stranger
50 Book Pledge #4: Robert K. Massie — Catherine the Great
50 Book Pledge #3: Martin Amis — Money
50 Book Pledge #2: Sir Arthur Conan Doyle — A Study in Scarlet
50 Book Pledge #1: Vladimir Nabokov — Pale Fire
Jennifer Egan — A Visit from the Goon Squad
Books I Read in 2011
Richard Ellmann — James Joyce
Robert Conquest — The Great Terror