sam harris

This Will Make You Smarter: New Scientific Concepts to Improve Your Thinking - John Brockman
Free Will - Sam Harris
New Statesman - 19 December 2011-01 January 2012 (Christmas Double Issue)
Lying - Sam Harris
Ask Sam Harris Anything Video Pack
Sam Harris and Richard Dawkins - Who Says Science has Nothing to Say About Morality?
The God Debate II: Sam Harris vs. William Lane Craig
Sam Harris and Christopher Hitchens vs David Wolpe and Bradley Artson Shavit - Is There an Afterlife?
The Great Debate: Can Science Tell Us Right from Wrong?
Symphony of Science - A Wave of Reason
Icons of Unbelief: Atheists, Agnostics, and Secularists - S. T. Joshi
Sam Harris on The Daily Show
The Moral Landscape: How Science Can Determine Human Values - Sam Harris (Audiobook + E-book)
Nightline - Face-Off: Does God Have a Future?
Re-Evolution Debate: Hitchens, Harris, Dennett vs. Boteach, D'Souza, Taleb and also Wright
Sam Harris on Real Time with Bill Maher (2009.08.21)
Letter to a Christian Nation - Sam Harris (Audiobook)
Atheist Alliance International Convention (2007)