Best DVD/Blu-Ray and Streaming of the Week (12/31/13)
Him: Why Joaquin Phoenix Is America’s Greatest Contemporary Actor
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Best DVD/Blu-Ray Streaming of the Week (12/17/13)
Martin Scorsese, Ranked
Martin Scorsese's World Cinema Project
Charlie Chaplin's Features, Ranked
The Best Charlie Chaplin Short Films
DVDs/Streaming Picks 12/03/13
Best DVDs/Streaming of the Week 11/19/13
The Internet in Movies
10 Great Silent Horror Films
Blu-Ray Review: Martin Scorsese's World Cinema Project (Criterion)
TIFF Review: Stray Dogs
Anti-Gravity: Why Alfonso Cuarón’s Space Odyssey Is Shortsighted About Long-Takes
I Married a Witch (René Clair, 1942)
Wong Kar-wai, Ranked
TIFF Review: The Unknown Known: The Life and Times of Donald Rumsfeld (Errol Morris, 2013)